Think of all the the hours that went into all the designs that were submitted, all to be trumped by a black shape on a shirt
wow, these winners are absolutely s****…i totally agree with pete, i never liked KOL, but now i hate them. Their taste of art is comparable to what i make in the toilet.
malibuingenue said I think the first one is cool. It’s a combination of Tennessee and Oklahoma, the two states where the band members were born.
I think it reflects the band, and I like it. I would totally buy it. So there.
I was quite surprised at all the negative comments about the chosen winners to be honest, alot of people seemed to think that designs like the top one of this post should have been chosen as a winner because of the amount of work that went into it. I have to disagree with the negative comments because of think these winners deserved to win, I think they have though about the composition and layout of the t-shirts and placed them perfectly.
The use of typography and images being kept to a minimal design is something that I like to work with. This is used in my final major project, where I have my illustrations and the typography with lots of white space around them to emphasize the important of the main subject.
This competition just goes to show that everyone has their own opinion on art and design but to get far in this industry you need to meet your clients needs, which in this case is simple type and images, which show the bands name very clearly.
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