Toast Concept, are a design company based in Lyon, France. They were formed in 2007 and cover a broad range of design such as Graphic Design, Product Design, Motion Graphics, 3D Animation and Web Design. As-well as Posters, Logos, Flyers and Montages.
I came across this company, whilst researching into Audio and Visuals for my self directed project. I particularly like the 3D animation they produced called Speakers because the visuals and audio is in sync with each other and I really like the way the speakers are created in an abstract form. I also like the use of colour that they have used and the smooth movements of the camera. This animation can be seen in the video below. This is something that I am looking into for my self directed piece and has been a huge influence for my research and development.
I like the way all the work uses simple aesthetics which gives a clean and professional look to the whole portfolio. I also really like the Graphic Design work they have produced because they all use the theme of having a white background that makes the abstract shapes and colours stand out alot more. I have posted some examples of their Graphic Design work.