Seven Communications
The Big Picture
My Portfolio Website
Seven Communications are a multimedia company based in Stockport. They specialize in web design, graphics design, touch screen kiosks and corporate identity. The company is made up of a small team of experts who work together to produce a high standard of professional work for their clients that include companies such as Cadburys, University of Hull, NHS and Stockport Council.
I was attracted to the Seven Communications mainly because of the web design that they produce. 'The Big Picture' is the latest website they have created and the style and composition is really eye catching. This piece was created to capture students attention whilst still being informative to teachers. I think the way they have created the piece suits the targets audience perfectly as the positive white space and the layout of the type, images and videos makes it easy to read and navigate around the site. The website was a massive success and a quote on the website describes how the website got a record number of hits.
"The website got a record number of hits yesterday and that is fantastic.... The website is getting a lot of 'love'- people like the films and the overall layout- it's made a big difference." (www.7comms.co.uk/projects_bigpicture01.php)
I am really interested in meeting with Steve Bower, the Managing Director of the company because it would be interesting to find out what the progress of working along side a client is like. I would like to ask questions such as, 'How many times do you meet up with the client to discuss the website and how often does the client see the website in progress'
I feel that my portfolio website is quite similar in style to the 'The Big Picture' website. I have also used lots of white space and the layout is simple, which makes navigating around the site very easy. I tend to use a minimilst approach to my work so the viewer can get straight to the point without becoming confused.
I emailed Steve originally last year and he said he'd help out with anything I needed in the 3rd year. I took on this opportunity and emailed him asking him if he would like to see my work in progress so I could gain some feedback and advice. He emailed me back saying he would like to meet me in the New Year, which I think would be really useful as he could give me some tips and advice on my final major project as-well as my previous work such as my portfolio website, my self-directed project and my competition brief.
Here is the email below
From: aaron nicholas (aaronnicholas@live.com)
Sent: 04 December 2008, 13:51
To: steve@7comms.co.uk
Subject: Information regarding your work
Hi, I emailed you a while ago regarding your work. I have moved into my 3rd of my degree at Stockport College in Multimedia Design.
At the moment I am creating a self-directed project and also producing a live competition brief with YCN. I was wondering if possible, if there is a chance to show you my work in progress to gain some feedback. This would be a great help to improve my work and gain some advice.
Thank you for your time,
Aaron Nicholas
From: Stever Bower (steve@7comms.co.uk)
Sent: 15 December 2008, 09:09
To: 'aaron nicholas' (aaronnicholas@live.com)
Hi Aaron
Give me a call on number below in the New Year, & I would be interested in seeing your work.