Sunday, 12 April 2009


Hove Studios are a design and multimedia studio based in Barcelona. They were formed in 1995 and created a wide range of work including motion graphics, channel idents, graphics, interactive design and much more.

It was the showreel that I came across first and has gave me some good ideas for when I get round to creating mine. It has its own introduction to show the audience who they are with a countdown to their show-reel. This is a good idea as it reminds the audience whose the show-reel is and can also show some more design skills if you create a fancy introduction.

They also keep each project on the show-reel very short, which keeps the audience interested because you get to see lots of different work rather than just a few. This is somethings I am going to do with my show-reel so I can show that I have used multiple techniques and mediums.

I also really like the soundtrack of the video, I think choosing a song is the best option for a show-reel as it would be annoying for the audience to hear lots of short audio clips from each video.

I will continue to look at different show-reels to gain some more options for when I get round to making my own.

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